Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

When I saw that this novella was going to feature Caesar and I got really excited. Caesar really wasn’t talked about in the previous 2 books and that built an air of mystery around him. All I really got from the other two books was that he was a musician on the brink of stardom and that he used CD’s to sell Puff. Oh and lets not forget that he was deliciously hot. So I figured that this book would be mainly music themed and I was right.

Like I said about, Caesar was hot and he was pining after the one who got a way. The girl who taught him how to knit. He even wrote a song about her, “Knitting Girl”. So when Nina shows up at one of his shows, he decides to take his chance and run with it.

I thought Nina was so adorable. She truly loved Caesar but figured their time together (told in flashback) was just a fling. Another notch on Caesar’s belt, so to speak. She went on with her life but couldn’t contain herself when she saw he was back in town. She had to go and see him. I really liked when she met the Iron Claws. She fit right in with them.

The Dragon High Council was still skulking around, trying to take down the Iron Claws. I will say that their newest scheme was pretty ingenious and all I have to say is thank god Alec had such mad hacking skills and figured everything out.

I did like the tie in to Alpha’s Mates. I was a little surprised at who Titus was to Caesar. Not a little surprised, alot surprised (want to find out….read the book).

Nina and Caesar’s sex scenes were hot, hot, hot. But what I liked about these scenes was that they were truly in love (not that the other’s weren’t) and they waited 5 years to declare their love to each other.

Nina and Caesar’s storyline was resolved in this book but the storyline about Puff and The Dragon High Council was not. I can’t wait to see what will happen in the next book.

How many stars will I give Her Rock Star Dragon: 4

Why: Great read with memorable characters and out of this world sex scenes.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex, language

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • Started reading
  • 3 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 3 February, 2017: Reviewed