Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Narrated by Mary Robinette Kowal I quickly became caught up in this heartwarming and captivating story that mirrors the author's own journey after the unthinkable happens.

I was slightly worried I would need truffles for this story. I've been married thirty years and cannot even begin to fathom life without my mate. While Nyhan did make me tear up she also had me rooting for Paige Moresco, her son Trey, and the secondary characters we met along the way. I laughed, got angry, cheered and smiled as Paige began her journey by digging holes in her backyard and upsetting the balance in her suburban community. Her curmudgeonly neighbor added humor, frustrations and a bit of a mystery. A local police officer called in over complaints about Paige's backyard offers something a little more.

The writing is wonderful with a flow that pulls the reader in and holds them captive. This translated beautifully into audio. Mary Robinette Kowal captured Paige, the tone, and emotions of the story.

Paige's husband passed two years ago and she and her senior high school son, Trey are simply moving through their days and not really living. When her boss shakes things up at the advertising company where she has been employed for the past seventeen years it sets her already fragile world spinning. One night after a little too much win she begins digging up her backyard. She has no purpose other than she likes the feel of the earth in her fingers, but slowly through work, strangers, and need we witness Paige transform along with her backyard. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 21 April, 2018: Finished reading
  • 21 April, 2018: Reviewed