Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

3 of 5 stars

It’s apparently steampunk week here at Second Run Reviews. It seemed serendipitous that finished Lumiere by Jacqueline Garlick the week I was slated to be a part of the book tour for Clockwork Menagerie.

Set in alternate world devastated by the Great Illumination, Lumière by Jacqueline Garlick follows Eyelet and Ulrick as they uncover the dark secrets of their personal lives and the world they live in.

I will say that I was captivated from first few pages of Lumière. I have a soft spot for books that lean on a close father/daughter relationship. After the prologue, I knew that I needed to follow Eyelet through to the end even if I had no intention of reading the entire Illumination Paradox series. I was going to trust Eyelet from start to finish.

This entire book was an incredible case of deja vu for me. I felt like I had read it before. However, I have no permanent record of reading it prior to now. Perhaps it was the familiar elements from other novels and worlds I have encountered.

Familiar Elements

The disparity between the Brethren part of town and Gears and the Follies reminded me of Dickens’ portrayal of Victorian London.

The obsessed scientists reminded me of Shelley’s Frankenstein. There are arguments, laying just below the surface, about using science for good or ill and who ultimately gets to make that decision.

The power of a parent’s love (or their hatred) had me flashing back to Harry Potter.

These familiar elements along with the intriguing characters kept me engaged with the book. Once Eyelet and Ulrick meet the plot really starts to roll and I’m sure I could have finished this book faster if not for real life (one mush eat, sleep, drink and pay the bills), I would have finished the book faster.

While the book does end on one hell of a cliffhanger, I don’t feel compelled to continue with the series. Most of major mysteries were solved with just enough information for me to move on without much regret. My questions were answered. I’m not that interested in seeing how the love story ends up. It will probably end up like all the other young adult/new adult love stories on the market.

Should you read Lumière? If you are looking for an exciting, heart-pounding young adult/new adult story that doesn’t require you to to invest in a new series, sure. If you are looking for an innovative steampunk novel, I’m afraid that Lumière may not deliver. It’s a great novel if you are looking to stay within (or return) to a known comfort zone.

This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews

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  • 5 September, 2015: Reviewed