Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

I love a good story about perseverance. This was such a story. Suzanne Lilly gave us a great character in Aspen Dwyer. Once who was strong and determined, yet scared to live her life because of the threat her past held over her. She didn't trust easily, but when she met Coltan Moraine on the streets of Honey Creek, she found the one man (and his family) that would do anything to make sure she was loved and safe.

Aspen Dwyer was a young woman who was running from her past. You can't blame her based on what happened with her parents. But she was afraid to live. That all changed when she met Coltan and his family. Even with his busy body sister trying to dig into her past, Aspen found a place where she belonged and she found a man who could love her for who she was, nightmares and all.

Coltan was a little bit goofy, but he was big hearted and he knew the instant he whistled down the street at this new girl that she was something.

The romance between these two was sweet. There wasn't a lot of heat there, but the story was more about Aspen learning how to live again and trust people to like and love her for who she was.

This was a fast read, but one that kept you turning the pages to see if Aspen was ever going to break free from her nightmare, while trying to build her new life. While the build up towards Aspen's past was predictable, it was still an enjoyable read to get there.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 30 May, 2013: Reviewed