Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I start this review, I would like to thank Edita A. Petrick for allowing me to review Ribbons of Death.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Ribbons of Death from Edita A. Petrick for free for my honest and unbiased review**

Now, onto my review:

This book got off to a slow start and for the first few chapters, I honestly didn’t know where the author was going to go with it. But after the carnage of the demonstration and meeting Agent Carter…….it more than delivered.

Carter was somewhat of a mysterious person and you learn slowly about his background over the course of the book. The fact that he was caught up in the demonstration that ended in carnage that was in Egypt.

Stella Hunter, on the other hand, wasn’t mysterious. What you see is what you get with her. I love that she is kinda ditzy, super smart and not afraid to punch someone if needed too (you really need to read the book).

The author also made no qualms about naming the bad guys in this book and I loved it. She comes right out in the first two chapters and names them. The rest of the book is dedicated to finding The Peacemaker and his handler. And, of course, having Stella and Carter outwit the bad guy’s minions. Loved it!!

There was a slight romantic connection between Carter and Stella. No sex or anything but something deeper. I can’t wait to see if the author decides if they are going to be romantically linked in the upcoming books!!

The ending was great but it wasn’t what I expected. It did pave the way for the next book, though, and maybe, just maybe, the person who they didn’t capture in this book will make an appearance in the next one (read the book to find out!!)

How many stars will I give Ribbons of Death? 4

Why? It had a very slow moving start, with characters that weren’t fully explained about until 3-4 chapters into the book. But once the ball got going, it didn’t stop.

Will I reccomend to family and friends? Yes

Will I reread? Yes

Age range? Teen on up

Why? Some language, lots of violence. No sex

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 28 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 28 July, 2016: Reviewed