Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars



This book! Wow! I know I say it a lot, but I really did devour it in one sitting. I had been messaging Rae and Eva (Rae Reads and NovelDeelights) sending random emojis and “shocking ” when I was reading. Then I fell asleep (long day) and woke up and kept reading until I had seen those two words THE END. Did I get closure? Don’t blinking think so, Luke and Mel would not let me sleep until their story had been told.

Now I must admit, I did not write in the diary I was on the tour for this one, so panic stations hit as I started this Sunday! But I was sucked in. Reading the opening chapter of the book from Luke’s point of view and I realised I did not have a scooby what this book about! I forgot the blurb and I tell you what BEST. DECISION. EVER! Seriously, no plot can be discussed, you need to go in blind and enjoy this ride!

So, you read the opening chapter, as I did, and you are led to unchartered territories and a “what is going on moment?” Then Part 1 kicks in and we are with Mel, Luke’s wife, and there was something off with her, something didn’t add up. Luke and the two children, Callum and Tessa, were not at the cottage in the Lake District for their family holiday as agreed when Mel got there. Where are they? What is going on? We learn events that have transpired in the last couple of years from Mel’s view. Again, what is going on?

Part 2, it is all about Luke, and the same events as before, but a whole new take. All I can say is when I was reading this, I was raging! My hand flew to my mouth so many times if it had not been for the glasses, I would have probably slapped myself in the eye! Seriously this was shocking stuff, what was I reading! I had so much pent-up anger from my week as it was and this literally made me want to explode!

When I read part 2, 3 and 4, I went back to the prologue, and re-read it and looking at it, it meant something completely different when you know things, wow! So much is given in the opening scenes that you do not know even realise it! I loved it!

Rona has taken an idea and changed it on its head from the norm. A brave subject too! This book unsettles you with the subject matter, sharp intake of breath and I whizzed through the book, was this really happening? A whole new type of crazy town, and not one I wanted to visit!

And the ending…. I mean that was an actual WTF, was it the right ending? Only you can decide, and then let me know what you thought. I thought it was just desserts but totally shocking, and I think the way that Ms Halsall wrote it all kind of casual like ‘yes this is everyday life look at me’ just rocked the boat even more.

Okay, I think I must stop now, I have the fear I will let something slip and then I may have to drive off to the Lake District myself and hide!!!

I completely agree with the tagline of this book, that this IS a page-turner of the fastest kind, it WILL turn your world as you know it upside down, and it WILL shatter your nerves.


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  • Started reading
  • 19 November, 2018: Finished reading
  • 19 November, 2018: Reviewed