The Goddess Inheritance by Aimee Carter

The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test, #3)

by Aimée Carter

Love or life. Henry or their child. The end of her family or the end of the world.

Kate must choose.

During nine months of captivity, Kate Winters has survived a jealous goddess, a vengeful Titan and a pregnancy she never asked for. Now the Queen of the Gods wants her unborn child, and Kate can't stop her-until Cronus offers a deal.

In exchange for her loyalty and devotion, the King of the Titans will spare humanity and let Kate keep her child. Yet even if Kate agrees, he'll destroy Henry, her mother and the rest of council. And if she refuses, Cronus will tear the world apart until every last god and mortal is dead.

With the fate of everyone she loves resting on her shoulders, Kate must do the impossible: find a way to defeat the most powerful being in existence, even if it costs her everything.

Even if it costs her eternity.

Reviewed by lizarodz on

5 of 5 stars

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Reading with ABC

Oh my goddess! I wish there was a rating higher than A+ because this book would certainly get it! An amazing ending to a beloved series!

If you’ve seen my review of Goddess Interrupted, you know that I was not too crazy about it. I found like Kate’s personality changed to an insecure, whining child and that nothing much happened. To top it all, the ending was one of the worst cliffhangers of all time! What a nice change to see Kate getting her spunk back, to finally see more of Henry, to get to the bottom of it all!

Goddess Inheritance starts about six months after the ending of the previous book. This book is action packed, there’s no opportunity to get bored and it was hard to put down. Kate is sort of rescued at the beginning of the book and after that the action is non-stop. Fortunately and in spite of her insecurities, Kate is more herself. That is, she is brave, smart, selfless, and loyal. She learns a lot about being a goddess (finally someone starts teaching her something!), and probably a lot more than she bargain for. Kate is still trying to find a way to help the gods win the war even though some of them (and herself at times) find her inadequate. Not to say that she didn’t made some pretty dumb mistakes, but her, she is only 17 :)

How I adore Henry! Goddess Inheritance finally gives him a moment to shine and to express his feelings for Kate. Handsome, possessive, strong, loyal Henry, I’m so happy for you and Kate and your eternal happy ending!

If you started the series or are familiar with Greek mythology, you know about the other characters (gods). James is his usual awesome and funny self, Ava is trying to make up for her perceived betrayal, Walter (Zeus) is plotting in his sneaky-devil-may-care ways, and Diana is as sweet as ever and a very supporting mother for Kate.

The plot was magnificent (never doubted Kate or Henry for a second!) and the writing, like always impeccable. I really enjoy the involvement of the other gods and all the action. The ending was perfect and bittersweet at the same time, BUT a wee-bit open ended. What I mean by that is that I really hope that Ms. Carter graces us with a story about James and the new goddess search, since I’m not ready to let these much-loved characters go (*hint, hint*).

If you enjoyed The Goddess Test, you must finish the series (all installments); I promise that you will not be disappointed.

Some quotes: (please note that these are from the ARC, not the final copy)

“James chuckled. “You’re the worst goddess I’ve ever met.”
“Calliope’s the worst goddess you’ve ever met. I’m just the most incompetent.” I scowled. “It’d help if anyone bothered to teach me how to do things, you know.”
“Hey, I showed you how to think.” He grinned… - James and Kate

“Henry, as badly as I want to rip the bastard’s hear off, you’re in no condition to get into a pissing match with a Titan. Rest first, and we’ll figure something out later.” – Kate to Henry

“Across from me, James winced. “You really need to get over your martyr complex. One of these days it’s going to get you killed.” – James to Kate

“You are my life.” Though his words were barely a whisper, they seemed to echo from somewhere deep within him, enveloping my body and infusing me with something unshakable. “There is nothing I would to do to make you happy…” – Henry to Kate

About the cover: The covers are all gorgeous, but I think this is my favorite as well.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 January, 2013: Reviewed