Reviewed by bgsbooks18 on

4 of 5 stars

*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book.*

I really enjoyed this book a lot as the world-building is amazing: the world has changed after climate change, countries longer exist, strict rules apply for all citizens to start working in the floating city of Hypor once they turn 18. The women are limited in their job choice.

Brynna is finally 18. She must leave her parents and start working as a translator. She finds out that the government is trying to hide a very important secret so she joins the rebellion. Her secret gift is her voice: she is a singer and has healing powers. But her powers must remain hidden from the world. I loved the details like falcons, mismatched eyes, singing healers, and a floating city.

If someone asked me what kind of a book is this I would say it's a mixture of Dystopian, Sci-Fi and fantasy. A good mix that creates a great book full of so many surprise.

I would recommend this book to my friends and family.

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  • 11 March, 2019: Reviewed