Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Coffee Dates with Flipped!

  • First Date: Holly Bell is a  single divorced Mom and has the night off. She decides to take an unauthorized walk into "her" future home after learning the bank accepted her offer. Holly has big plans for the rundown Craftsman and has spent the last five years saving to realize those dreams. The events that unfold have me giggling and annoyed when we discover Dan Amador has outbid her and now owns the house. These two have chemistry but I would not exactly call it sizzling, unless thoughts of frying up Dan are romantic. I have a feeling we are in for a ride.

  • Second Date: I love this quirky little town.Dan is a bone-headed idiot at the moment, but I have hopes.  The banter between Holly and Dan slowly develops into friendship and more. Saint weaves in wonderful secondary characters from the other Amador brothers to Holly’s daughter. We get plenty of banter as Dan makes some assumptions that quickly get him in trouble with folks. It was fun watching him make amends and discover how wrong he was. Holly is a perfumer and I liked her snark and independent streak. Saint does a wonderful job of fleshing out Dan and bringing me around to liking him.

  • Third Date: Growing pains, a little two-step and some "ah ha" moments had me flipping the pages, swooning a little and losing myself within the story. When I began reading, I did not realize this was the first in a series. In fact, I often felt like I had missed something regarding secondary characters and eventually stopped reading to see if this was perhaps the third book in a series. I was surprised to find it was the first. Secondary characters piqued my interest but felt information was lacking. I enjoyed the romance, which was slow burning and offered passionate kisses and eventually some heat.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 25 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2015: Reviewed