Reviewed by Chelsea on

5 of 5 stars

Initial Thoughts

I wasn't sure if I was going to like this one. Not for any particular reason, it just didn't seem like it was going to be a book for me. But then the author started describing the world and the adventures started and I got sucked in.

My New Best Friend

I really liked the main character Thea. It's a pretty typical answer but I really enjoyed how not perfect she was. She was also pretty funny and not the typical heroine you usually see. She's really independent and isn't used to having these people care about her and it was cool seeing her try and interact with people.

My Crush

There were only a couple of guys in this book and I really liked Caden the best. Another typical answer but I thought he was kind of funny, except when he ditched everyone. At least he had flaws, right? But it took him FOREVER to make a move. Come on man!

Writing Style

I thought the mechanics and everything about the writing was really well down. I especially liked how realistic this dystopian world was. Usually there's a big war that starts most dystopian worlds but in this one it was technology and pollution which I thought was a nice change. I like that everyone got so absorbed by their technology that pollution took over. It was a really cool concept.

Closing Thoughts

Even though at the start I was a little worried about being able to finish this book, I found myself really enjoying it about a third of the way in. It was like all of a sudden I couldn't put the book down. My only complaint was that it was too short and I wanted more. Now I have to wait for the next one.

Something I found really interesting was that the main character wasn't the "important" one in the story. Usually the main character ends up being the main leader or something really important and while she was important, she wasn't the world changing character. It was quite refreshing actually.


I actually like the cover for this one. I'm finding it a lot harder lately to actually find covers that are nice, but this one is cool and actually relevant to the book.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 April, 2014: Reviewed