A Most Unladylike Adventure by Elizabeth Beacon

A Most Unladylike Adventure (Mills & Boon Hardback Historical, H766)

by Elizabeth Beacon


Lady Louisa Alstone, Ice Diamond of the Ton, has turned down numerous proposals from the best in society. Seeking refuge in her brother's house, she's shocked to find the scandalous Captain Darke already in residence.

A man who certainly doesn't need the sinful temptation of a woman he presumes to be his friend's mistress. The misunderstanding could be Louisa's chance to cast off the strict dictates of her life as a Lady.

And if she's already living in secret with the devilishly handsome Captain, what good is there in preserving an already compromised reputation...!

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

I liked Lady Louisa Alstone, I know there were some moments where things didn't quite gel but overall she was an intersesting character with some great moments. Captain Darke was also interesting, his guilt was such a factor in their relationship and everything was so messy for the two of them, involved and complicated and she helped him as much as he helped her.

I enjoyed the read and look forward to reading more by this author.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 November, 2012: Reviewed