Reviewed by Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub on

3 of 5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review. This will be available on July 9th.

Alexis was a child star on a show that is basically a rip-off of any paranormal show on the CW. She hated it and was only doing it because she was promised a music deal…which never happened. Instead, the show was cancelled, and she becomes a cynical has-been.

Then, in a weird accident, Alexis finds herself suddenly deceased. Not wanting to join the Great Beyond just yet, Alexis runs from the reaper, and straight into a fight with a poltergeist. Somehow she’s able to destroy it, launching herself rather reluctantly into a quest to stop a Big Bad.

She’s joined by Wycock, a ghost who’s sole purpose is to avenge the destruction of his kingdom, and Yin, who Alexis has a major crush on. Together, they have to cobble together a vanquishing. Not a one of them knows what they’re doing. Oh, dear.

This book was fun, but nothing to write home about. It was full of puns and sarcasm, which I usually love, but about half of it sort of felt forced. The funny was really funny, though, and Wycock cracked me up. He was so earnest, and so completely unprepared.
The pacing was good, although cutting out a few of the action beats could have helped a little. About halfway through, it started to feel a little redundant, and I found my attention wandering. I was pulled back in by the ending, however. The final showdown was entertaining and creative.

This is a fun, fast read. Check it out if you’re looking for a bit of a giggle.

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  • 11 June, 2019: Reviewed