Reviewed by Leah on

3 of 5 stars

Nicky Schmidt is back folks! This book was actually meant to be released YEARS ago. Like 2011 or 2012, and it's taken until 2015 for it actually to be published, which makes me sad, because Nicky should have tons of books to her name by now, and it makes me sad that she still only has three to her name, although her fourth should (everything crossed) be released later this year and is a sequel to this book.

So yes, this is a book I've been wanting to read for so, so long. And if I had read it when it was originally meant to be released I would probably have loved it more, if only because my reading tastes have changed massively in four or five years. I'm more diverse, and at the moment it's the YA genre that's speaking to me more than anything else, although this was still an interesting read.

I actually both loved and loathed Dizzy. She's the kind of heroine who needs a slap in the face. Considering what she made of herself, and how she dragged herself out of the near-literal gutter, it surprises me that she would do all that she does - drinking constantly, eating crap, not caring that she needs to look like a model to BE a model. I would have expected more of a work ethic. Yes, her agents are horrific, but you would think Dizzy would WANT to book campaigns, want to do everything in her power not to end up like her embarrassing mother and gran. But, no. She does her level best to throw it all away which was so frustrating. I wanted to smack her on numerous occasions.

This was a mixed read for me. I loved it initially but it was also quite fantastical and farcical, and I'm not sure if it was meant to be (I suspect it was). I will definitely read the sequel, and I hope Nicky doesn't just fade into oblivion like she did last time as she's a fantastic writer, more Chick Lit fans need to know her name and read her books because she's amazing.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 13 July, 2015: Reviewed