Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

This novel was a very sweet and heart-wrenching story at times. Two people meet, the attraction is there but they can only be friends. Charlotte becomes friends with Will's sister first, therefore, she can't be anything more to him. Kelsey makes Charlotte promise that she'll never date her brother. Ten years later the attraction between them is still there but Charlotte still feels she needs to keep her promise to her best friend. I was so sad for Charlotte and Will that they both were so afraid that Kelsey would never forgive them if they dated, that they almost didn't give their relationship a chance.

Mylissa has a wonderful way of writing these two main characters. You could feel the attraction they have for each other jump right off the page. Swoon-worthy romance anyone? Yes, the sparks were flying in this novel and I loved every flicker that was produced.

I have to add that I loved Charlotte's grandmother, Mamie. She is sweet, witty, and gives great advice. She's one of the best-supporting characters that I've read in a book in a long while. I loved every chapter she was in.

If you love a sweet, contemporary romance, with just a little angst, Rules are Made to be Broken, will be a delightful read for you just as it was for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 17 January, 2020: Reviewed