Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
From the start of Finding Kyle, I had that awful feeling in my stomach, you know, when you know something is wrong? Just kind of waiting for that bad thing to happen... that, coupled with the tension and sexual chemistry between Kyle and his neighbor, Jane, made for a very good read!

Finding Kyle had a lot of suspense, but it was a very quiet sort of suspense that came with the aftermath of Kyle having been an undercover cop in a very bad motorcycle gang. And where he, himself, had done a lot of very ugly things in order to be accepted into the inner sanctuary of the club in order to bring them all down. And dealing with the guilt of his past actions has made Kyle believe he is no longer worthy of love. Plus, there is a chance he'll be found, and then it would not do for him to put Jane in harm's way, right?

Jane was the kind of woman I love to read about. A little shy, but still confident enough to go after what she wanted. And once she got a good look at Kyle, she definitely knew! Finding Kyle is about redemption, and it's also about finding oneself again. Because of his very deep undercover life, Kyle hardly knew who he was anymore, or what he liked, or what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He even had the nightmares to prove that he wasn't as bad as he'd had to be in the past, but that didn't really help him dealing with moving forward.

Able to slowly bring Kyle out of his protective shell, Jane delighted me! She managed to help Kyle see that a simple life with small pleasures was the way to go. With a picnic here, a hike there and a little sight-seeing over there, Kyle started to feel a bit safer again, and when he shared some sweet moments with Jane, my heart swooned for him! Of course, from the very beginning, I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Waiting for the other shoe to fall. For danger to find Kyle again, and for everything to fall apart...

Written in first person point of view, present tense, Finding Kyle has chapters from either Kyle's or Jane's perspectives, which made getting to know them very easy. The story works as a stand alone, but if you've read the Wicked Horse series or the Last Call series, you will recognize some of the characters you meet in this one. Romantic suspense on it's best, I enjoyed the tension most of all! Both the one that had to do with the romance and the one that had to do with the feeling of imminent danger.

So what little bit of morality I've seemed to keep deep down inside is demanding that I forget Jane Cresson. Fucking bar tramps in back alleys is all I'm good for and I'll just have to be satisfied with that. 

"Went to a school about forty miles away," I tell him with a laugh. "I'm not very adventurous, I guess you could say." 
"I don't know about that," he says, his voice a low rumble. "You certainly kept poking at this bear. That's pretty damn daring."
"You're a bear?" I ask teasingly, my head tilted to the side. He nods, his eyes pinning me in place. "I have claws and teeth, Jane."
"Is that a warning?" I ask, now more curious than ever, even as a small ripple of fear runs up my spine over his words.
"Would you heed it if it was?" he counters. "Nope."

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  • 11 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 11 January, 2017: Reviewed