The Turn by Kim Harrison

The Turn (Hollows, Prequel) (The Peri Reed Chronicles)

by Kim Harrison

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison returns to her beloved Hollows series with The Turn, the official prequel to the series that will introduce you to a whole new side of Rachel Morgan's world as they've never seen it before!

Can science save us when all else fails?

Trisk and her hated rival, Kal, have the same goal: save their species from extinction.

But death comes in the guise of hope when a genetically modified tomato created to feed the world combines with the government's new tactical virus, giving it an unexpected host and a mode of transport. Plague rises,...

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Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Five reasons to grab The Turn

Tomatoes and familiar faces. While I don't necessarily think one needs to read the Hollows first, those who have will certainly enjoy seeing how the world we know in the Hollows began and everyone's role in it. We get answers and enjoy many ah-ha moments. There were many tidbits that have you craving more.

It's a full-length novel. Often prequels are novellas, but Harrison treated us to an entirely fleshed out story. The tale takes place in the sixties and long before Rachael comes into the picture, but we do see familiar faces like Quen and Al. The tale begins when Trisk and Kal are at an event hosted by their University. Top graduating students interview with alumni for jobs in their fields. Here we get our first taste of problems Trisk faces as both a female and dark elf. We also see Kal's hand in Trisk's woes, and oh man, you will love to hate Kal. We then fast forward and spend time with Trisk as she works on a drought resistant tomato.

Kal and Trisk are both interesting characters. While not without flaws I liked Trisk from her career goal to personality. The elf is a real jerk and had me thinking evil thoughts. I wanted him tarred and feathered.

Secondary characters from humans to pixies add interest and will keep you flipping the pages. Harrison added depth to them giving them a strong presence as events unfold.

The story that unfolds was fast-paced. Kal is asked to double check a project that Trisk's made safe for Inlanders. Betrayal, summonings, and more await you! Harrison will have you yelling at the characters. I know I found myself muttering aloud and trying to warn Trisk. Of course, there are also moments that will have you bursting with laughter. Al was a hoot, and reading The Turn brought back memories of the series, and it's characters. Heck, I wanted to reread them all! I will warn you, while the story is complete it did leave me wanted more.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 30 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 30 December, 2016: Reviewed