Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars!

What happens when the only man who genuinely cares about you is a perfect stranger? Miss Amelia Quinton finds out, sort of, when Hugh Margolis, Duke of Brighthollow, comes to her aid without her even knowing why.

Jess Micheals is back to help our eighth Duke make a trip down the aisle. While Hugh believes he is marrying the breath-taking Amelia to save her from a horrendous marriage to the man who made his sister’s life hell, he can’t help but to hope for a love match like so many of his friends have found.

Amelia can’t believe she could have any sort of attraction to the Duke while she was almost engaged to another. As a dutiful daughter, she believes the lie her father tells her and resigns herself to a marriage with the handsome Duke of Brighthollow. When her wedding night arrives, her new husband gives her a chance to sleep on her own, but Amelia can’t deny the physical bliss just one kiss from Hugh brings her. While their marriage slowly progresses, Amelia becomes part of a real family with Hugh and his sister, Lizzie.

Michaels has created another unique couple who have to deal with not one, but two despicable men who’ve wrecked more than their share of lives. While Hugh has honorable intentions, he keeps to himself the lies of others, in turn lying himself to the wife he comes to adore more than breathing. Amelia’s growth as a woman, a wife, and a sister was a completely brilliant transformation. She fits right in with the other Duchesses and I’m sure will be welcoming in the last two as they come along.

I can’t believe we have only two more Dukes to go! I’ve already started re-reading this series in preparation of Robert and Kit’s stories. While this series is almost at an end, I’m thrilled that Michaels has another series already in the works. This woman has endless talent! I know if any of her future series are anything like The 1797 Club, I will adore every word.

I received this book for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 2 July, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 2 July, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 2 July, 2018: Reviewed