Reviewed by anastasia on

5 of 5 stars


One Fateful Night (One Fateful Night, #1)

by Wendi Farquharson Finn

Paperback, 430 pages

Published January 17th 2012 by CreateSpace (first published January 1st 2012)

Rating: 5/5 Stars


What if you wake up hung-over the following morning, not dead, but realizing that you had killed somebody? Even worse, what if you wake up in the morning realizing you destroyed the things you loved most in your life? When she regained consciousness in the hospital scared and alone, Kate realized the nightmare was a reality… her parents were dead… her soul-mate was in prison… her life would never be the same.

Through the eyes of many, Troy Trindle had it all… he was good-looking, popular, captain of the football team and dating the head cheerleader. What he lacked were the basic necessities; food, shelter and a family.

Kate and Troy’s worlds collide when she moves to Alabama to resume training for a spot on the Olympic Gymnastics Team


**The novel was given to me by the author herself through the Goodreads ‘First Reads’ program…**

It’s not everyday that one reads a book of gymnastics and football. A book, that intrigues from the start.

Wendi Finn’s debut novel, One Fateful Night, explores the life of Kate Kennedy, a teenager going through high school and a rising hopeful for the Olympics, when a tragedy changes everything. Throughout the novel, Kate attempts to live through the tragic incident, which causes her to lose her family and her best friend. Kate starts a new life in Alabama, and through new friendships and their support, she is able to survive the horrors of the accident.

Positive aspects of this novel:

-The characters:

I loved how compelling the main characters were, and it just made me want to read more about them. I found myself thinking about the characters from the day I started reading the novel. From the beginning of the novel ‘til the end, I loved the progression of Kate and Troy’s(the main characters) relationship. Their relationship was soooo perfect; how a couple should be; loving, always caring, and worrying for each other.

-The beginning/progression of the novel:

I loved the beginning of the novel, getting to know the characters, especially Kate and all she’s been through. Her relation ship with Troy; how loving and caring he is!! Learning about gymnastics (OMG! It sounds sooo difficult, and painful, i.e, when Kate acquire a injury, which lead to a fever) and football. Kate’s one lucky girl; having the whole Grand Bay High football team care about her!!!!

Negative aspects of this novel:

-The only real issue:

Needs minor editing, but just words, (ie, on pg 80 [near the bottom of the page] >> hear instead of here, and pg 311 [near the top of the page]>> ‘He pushes me when I need pushed (need to be pushed) and he catches me when I fall”)

Some scenarios where hard to believe: like the fact that that adults in the novel would be okay with the living situation (Kate and Troy), the social worker, “Wanda” was mentioned a few times and never officially made an appearance

-The plot: which I loved, but some parts, like A cute little gymnast has a bunch of football players fawning over her after the tragedy, the fact that they have to constantly prove that they are really her friends and they won’t bail on her like her friends in Georgia.


Overall, this book was very entertaining. From the start the reader is captivated wanting to continue reading, but their hopes are let down, where the way the story ends. After reading I immediately wanted more. Finally, having won this novel through the Goodreads ‘First Reads’, it ended up being a good read. I also plan on reading it again.

I highly recommend it!

I took a look at the author’s blog, and found out that there’s going to be a sequel [OMG OMG!! I’m soooo excited!! Can’t wait!! >> (A Leap of Faith)]!! I really want to find out what happens when Kate has to choose between Troy and Colton in Alabama.

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  • 26 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 26 August, 2012: Reviewed