Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

HITCHED was a fun and often hot take on discovering you got married to a stranger the previous night when one too many cocktails was involved.

Sebastian and Kacie met one night at a bar, hit it off and began what Kacie thought was a hot one night stand. Instead, when morning rolled around Kacie discovered she was married to Mr. Hottie with no memory of how that happened. She's desperate to get the marriage annulled and Sebastian is determined for them to give their relationship a chance. What follows is one summer. Kacie gives Sebastian the summer to learn what she can about him and come to the same conclusion he did the night they married: that they belong together. If she doesn't feel that way, he'll let her off the hook.

Kacie has a huge fear of losing herself in a relationship just like her mother and older sister did. She's determined to build her bachelor/bachelorette party business and doesn't want to lose her independence or identity to a man. A concern many people have, but Kacie's fear seemed a little over the top. She enjoyed Sebastian. She couldn't stop thinking about him or sleeping with him, she her reasoning and determination that it was going to end when summer did didn't sit well with me. I'm not sure what she thought she was doing all summer with Sebastian, but spending practically every second together and still doing your job constitutes a relationship and you still were Kacie.

Sebastian could be pushy at times, a little stiff in the way her spoke at other time, but all in all I liked Sebastian. He knew what he wanted. He wanted Kacie. I could appreciate what he went through to prove just how well he knew Kacie and how they were perfect for each other.

If you're looking for something that a quick read that's fun and hot, this is definitely one to pick up.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 November, 2014: Reviewed