Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars


So I took a risk by stepping out my comfort zone and reading a book genre I normally stay away from. But then I saw this book cover, I read the blurb and thought ok let me give this go. Well, I am speechless, you could even say I have been converted. This book was breathtaking and so so beautiful.

I loved being transported back to 1944 and 1945, after a harrowing opening chapter I wondered where I was going to be led to with this story. I was shown a gorgeous tale of love, family, heartbreak and friendship, all this with the backdrop of the end of WWII. I will openly admit things I have taken for granted got me all choked up. One scene in particular sticks out for me, when the war was ending there was a celebration for the Big Ben being reilluminated. I was so overcome with emotion. It just struck me unexpectantly.

This is not a book to be skimmed or to plough through, you definitely need to take your time reading this. Once you learn the flow of the book, you will pick up instantly when the character viewpoint changes, at times I was confused but once I got into the stride I knew who was talking and when.

The Street of Broken Dreams had me mesmerised, I was transported back to the time of the street parties with rations, to two families who I have grown to love like they were my own. Eva Parker is seen as the matriarch of the street, she is the one that wants to look after everyone but not in a nosy busybody way she just loves to surround herself around people and support them, which is something she is so good at. I loved Mildred, and her conflict was one I could imagine many a woman suffered and Cecily, aka Cissie, her story was just so heartbreaking but she showed so much strength and I have so much respect for her and all the women to be honest.

Plus I have to mention Jack, all I can say is wow! He took my heart and ran!

Now I did not know this was the second book in a series, but you can definitely read this book on its own because in the first book it focuses on characters that are only touched upon in this book. I am going to go back and read the first book as I want to be transported back to the street as soon as possible.

Now I can say for sure I am glad it was Ms Crosse book I picked up first to enter into this genre because now I am obsessed. The detail she goes into and the magic of her writing truly transports you back into a time of grief and strife. But it shows you the warmth and love of a family and how with the right support you can get through anything.

I do hope it is not too long before we are back with the Parkers’ and Cresswells’ and the street in general.

I really do have to say thank you to Ms Crosse for her wonderful, detailed, well-researched story of love and loss to convert me over. It has captured my heart for sure and this book will stay with me for a long time! Definitely, one I will be buying as presents for the family.

I do thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who loves this genre you will not be disappointed I know I was not!!!

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  • 1 March, 2019: Reviewed