The Unofficial Hunger Games Companion by Lois H Gresh

The Unofficial Hunger Games Companion

by Lois H Gresh

THE HUNGER GAMES is a global publishing phenomenon and is soon to be a high-octane, big-budget Hollywood box-office hit. With a full author profile and interesting insights into the three-book series and its main themes - from the nature of evil, weaponry, rebellions and surviving the end of the world - this companion guide will give millions of readers the insider information that they've been waiting for since book one! The New York Times bestselling author of THE TWILIGHT COMPANION, Lois Gresh, once again gives fans the fascinating facts behind the fiction.

Reviewed by ammaarah on

2 of 5 stars

The Hunger Games Companion doesn't provide exclusive information or theories about the characters, world etc. in The Hunger Games trilogy. 

➼ Instead it provides information and theories about topics and themes related to The Hunger Games trilogy such as the apocalypse, oppressive regimes, revolutions, hunger, survival, medicine, war, mythology, the media etc.

➼ The topics that are dealt with are bleak and show the dark sides of humanity and human life, but The Hunger Games trilogy is dark and depressing, so it makes sense.   

➼ The author provides her opinions based on sources such as books, newspapers, websites etc. and while the author's views and opinions are interesting, I didn't necessarily agree with them. 

➼ Instead of researching and writing my honours thesis, I was reading this book and it reminded me of the academic writing that I was trying to avoid. The Hunger Games Companion reads like a student essay. 

➼ There are some parts that I found interesting, and other parts that I skimmed because they are overly descriptive and detailed. There are also parts that are repetitive, unstructured and off-topic.

➼ My entertainment and enjoyment levels were quite low while reading because The Hunger Games Companion is a serious non-fiction read. I didn't have fun while I was reading The Hunger Games Companion.   

The Hunger Games Companion is an interesting read that makes one think about where the world is heading, but I would only recommend it to hardcore fans of The Hunger Games trilogy or people who want to read about related topics.   

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  • Started reading
  • 31 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 31 May, 2020: Reviewed