Illegally Yours by Kate Meader

Illegally Yours (Laws of Attraction, #2)

by Kate Meader

Rule #1: Never fall for your client.
Rule #2: Never fall for your client’s fiercely protective, smoking hot sister-in-law.

I’m the kind of guy who believes that everyone deserves the best legal representation money can buy—which just so happens to be me, Lucas Wright. Give me your henpecked, your cuckolded, your irreconcilable differences yearning to break free! And if you’re the bad guy in your marriage, that’s cool too. Your green is as good as anyone’s.

Tell that to Trinity Jones. It’s my job to destroy her sister—the soon-to-be ex-wife of my a-hole of a client—and Trinity’s “big sis” instincts are dialed up to the max. I admire that. I admire her. But she won’t stop me from representing my client to the best of my ability.

Not even if my chemistry with Trinity is undeniable. Not even if we can’t keep our hands off each other. Not even if she injects life into a heart assumed to be long dead.
Because when faced with a choice between love and duty, the job will always win—or at least that’s what I thought before I met Trinity . . . and suddenly conflict of interest never felt so right.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars

This is my fifth Meader book, and I think it's my favorite.

• Trinity - The fiercely independent whiskey sommelier, who played caretaker for everyone except herself.
• Lucas - The life of the party, all around fun guy, and the shark, who represented Trinity's ex-brother-in-law in her sister's divorce.


Because of Lucas' professional association with Trinity's ex-brother-in-law, it would have been unethical for him to pursue a relationship with Trinity. However, circumstances kept bringing them into each other's orbits, and the more they got to know each other, the harder it was for them to resist the attraction.


I have enjoyed all of Meader's books, but there was just something that put this book on the next level for me. It was a perfect combination of fun, drama, and romance, which had me flipping the pages.

First of all, I fully embraced and loved both Trinity and Lucas. They seemed so confident and ready to take on the world, but they were both victims of poor parenting, rejection, and in Lucas' case, some serious guilt and grief. They slowly shared these pieces of themselves with each other, and us, and each little bit made me see Trinity and Lucas clearer, and made me love them even more.

But, it wasn't all heartache and pain, in fact, there were a ton a rom-com and heartwarming moments that had me laughing and smiling my face off. Lucas was pretty hilarious. He was witty and snarky and don't worry, Trinity was able to rise to his level, which resulted in some phenomenal banter. There was no absence of some kind of feels any time these two were on page together. And there were antics! Some really fun antics actually, which had me giggling, and there were also some sweet and swoony moments too.

It was the characters, that really drove this story, and really made me want to keep reading. Seeing these two people shed their armor, and reveal hidden pieces of themselves or seeing them show some vulnerability to each other was a beautiful thing. Lucas hid behind his fun guy persona, while Trinity wore her strong woman mask, but both had depth and needs, and it warmed my heart to see them find comfort in each other.

I also love the circle of friends Meader has put together. We got to know them a little in book 1, and we get to know them even more in this book. They are a fantastic group! I love their dynamic and the way they care about each other.

Overall: An utterly delightful and heartwarming romance, which made me laugh a lot, and smile often.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 20 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 20 December, 2018: Reviewed