Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett

Reaper Man (Death, #2) (Discworld, #11)

by Terry Pratchett

A Discworld novel. Death is missing. Dead Rights activist Reg Shoe suddenly has more work than he'd ever dreamed of, and newly-deceased wizard Windle Poons wakes up in his coffin to find that he has come back as a corpse.

Reviewed by adastra on

3 of 5 stars

Sadly I was rather disappointed by this book after the great Mort. For some reason, I just couldn't really get into this book. In particular, i found the whole plot line with the wizards a bit of a drag and found myself just skimming most of that. This might also explain why it took me 4 months to actually finish reading this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2015: Reviewed