Her Lucky Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan

Her Lucky Cowboy (Montana Men, #3)

by Jennifer Ryan

Everything's bigger in Big Sky country, including the hearts of the Montana Men Champion rodeo rider Dane Bowden is eight seconds from winning under the Vegas lights, one last hurrah before reluctantly returning to his family's Montana ranch. But his bull has other plans. When Dane wakes up, he's sure he's died and gone to heaven ...because the doctor who comes to his aid is the same girl who saved his life and disappeared years ago. Bell would do anything for Dane. He's the fantasy that always kept her going. A child genius hidden away by her family, Bell was the secret no one talked about, the girl no one wanted. Despite finding success as a young surgeon, she's still the awkward girl who's never had a boyfriend. So why does Dane, a notorious playboy and sizzling-hot cowboy, insist on taking her on a real date? Bell is the only woman in Dane's heart. When a rodeo rivalry turns deadly, it's his turn to save Bell's life-because he sure as hell won't lose his guardian angel again.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Coffee Dates with Her Lucky Cowboy

  • First Date: We take a trip back in time to a moment where Dane Bowden and Bell briefly meet as young teens. That meeting influenced each of them differently. Fast forward to present day at the Championship Rodeo in Vegas where Dane has  has the best ride of his life and wins. When dismounting something goes terribly wrong. He wakes briefly to see the same girl who saved his life years ago. Ooo so many things happen on this first date and I am hooked. I love sweet-talking Dane and Bell is quite the mystery. I am all in for my second date.

  • Second date: Banter, flirting and a slow building romance develop as Dane begins to unravel Bell. Bell is unsure of Dane’s sincerity especially with the slew of woman coming to visit him at the hospital. Folks refer to them as Dane’s Dames, but the more we learn about Dane the harder I fall. We slowly begin to understand Bell and her history. Part of me is so damn proud of her and the other wants to protect her at all costs. Side threads begin to develop regarding friends of Dane's and a dangers enemy is lurking. All of which has me singing the “just one more chapter” mantra.

  • Third date: Swoons, heat, danger and shedding a tear moments, had me completely wrapped up in this date. While I have no doubt we will get our HEA, twists and danger have me wondering if we will survive this unscathed. The pacing of the story is fantastic and I just did not want to set this down. We see other couples from previous novels and get to know new ones. We see hints of what will come in the next book and I closed Her Lucky Cowboy completely satisfied and craving more from of this author and her Montana Men.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 9 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2015: Reviewed