Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza

Mila 2.0 (Mila 2.0, #1)

by Debra Driza

Mila was living with her mother in a small Minnesota town when she discovered she was also living a lie.

She was never meant to learn the truth about her identity. She was never supposed to remember the past—that she was built in a computer science lab and programmed to do things real people would never do.

Now she has no choice but to run—from the dangerous operatives who want her terminated because she knows too much, and from a mysterious group that wants to capture her alive and unlock her advanced technology.

Evading her enemies won't help Mila escape the cruel reality of what she is and cope with everything she has had to leave behind. However, what she's becoming is beyond anyone's imagination, including her own, and that just might save her life.

A compulsively readable sci-fi thriller, MILA 2.0 is Debra Driza's bold debut and the first book in an action-filled, Bourne-Identity-style trilogy.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

“No matter what. I wouldn't let anyone change me. I wouldn't let them strip away whatever tiny parts of me were human. Assuming I had any humanity to lose.”

I really struggled with this book.
In the beginning you have Mila who has moved to a new town due to her father dying in a fire, which causes her mother to become extremely protective of her. Because of that her mom doesn't want her to do anything dangerous or be out alone where she doesn't know where she is. Which I thought was understandable. What I didn't like about that though was that her mom was extremely withdrawn towards her and was also very secretive. We also got to see Mila's "friends" (who were more mean girls than friends in my opinion). From there we also get to meet Hunter who is also new to town, and becomes her so-called friends new boyfriend target. Which causes a whole new set of problems that were not even going to get into.

When Mila discovers what she is due to her flying out of the back of a truck thanks to her so-called "friend" driving like a maniac. From there we really start finding out how Mila came to be and exactly what she is and why her mom is so secretive. Now you would have thought that from this point you would become hooked to this book, but instead you just get information dumped on you so fast that it's hard to remember it all, plus Mila's confusion and not wanting to believe it makes it slightly harder to understand as well.

But the craziness didn't end there after coming back from a date with Hunter she finds her house broken into and her mother being held captive due to people wanting her. Which causes Mila to go into what I liked to call Android mode which caused her to become a fighting machine. After that, they go on the run and Mila gets even more information dumped on her.

After awhile they get caught, and taken back to Military secret hide-out and Mila has to undergo many tests to see if they should keep her or not. There we meet several important people including her other creator and his intern (Lucas). I never like her other creator and I was never very trusting of Lucas.

A little after this point (370 pages in) was when I started to somewhat like the book.

I did really feel bad for Mia she was a prisoner in her own body, she was taught to believe she was one thing and then all of a sudden her whole world gets turned upside down and she has an identity crisis (which lasts the whole book). But I also thought she made a lot of dumb decisions (I mean really why would you call someone you've only known for three days when you're on the run!).

Lucas turned out to be an unexpected favorite character for me. I was expecting to hate him, but he actually turned out to be very helpful, and he actually had a heart.

While I'm not sure if I will continue on with the trilogy/series I would like to know what happens to Mila and if she ever is able to do the things her mom wanted her to do.

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  • 1 July, 2015: Reviewed