Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars

My advice? Make sure you have a block of time before you start this book! Once I started it, there was no putting it down. I love to be so swept away by a story that there is no other reality for me while I am there and this definitely happened here.

I love that this book, and the series, is written from the point of view of Chase, our main man. It was refreshing to read from a guy's perspective and to see the world through his eyes. The author made sure his voice came across as it should have, a YA/NA guy. Lacey's muse for Chase was a real Chase and it is clear that she really understood him and it came across in the book.

Chase starts the book as a bit of a bad ass, a bit of a jerk. But we quickly realize just how tortured he really is and you can't help but feel for him as he struggles through life. Once he met Nikki, that is when you really fall in love with him as he attempts to impress her and make her his. He is alternately sweet and adorable and intense and serious.

But there are definitely some deep and intense moments, moments that make your heart break. And there are times when holding back the tears will be almost impossible. Lacey didn't shy away from the intense, the emotional, and the difficult and it made for a deeply emotional read.

Things to love about Chasing Nikki...

--Chase. His voice was so honest in this book, in the good and in the bad moments.
--Nikki. A strong, smart teenage girl that valued herself and knew what she wanted. She wanted Chase, but she didn't need him to feel complete. I loved that.
--The emotional roller coaster. There was no shortage of emotion. It pulled you in and made you feel right along with the characters.

My recommendation: A fantastic read!

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  • Started reading
  • 28 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 August, 2013: Reviewed