Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

THE HOT CORNER is a charming story about a second chance at love. Dani Young writes sports biographies about major athletes and Brad Reynolds wants her to write his biography. The only problem is, Brad broke Dani’s heart seven years ago and she wants nothing to do with him. Brad and Dani were madly in love when they were in college together, but they broke up and haven’t seen each other since. To prove that she’s truly over him, Dani reluctantly agrees to write the book.

Brad’s a third baseman and the biggest baseball star in the world, but he spends as much time partying and dating famous women, as he does playing ball. When Brad and Dani meet again, they are still drawn to each other and have sizzling chemistry. Even though the connection is still there, Brad’s not the same carefree guy from college. Now he doesn’t talk about his personal life or his feelings and he has built many walls around his heart. I enjoyed this story, except when Dani has to interview all the women Brad has dated. Listening to all the woman talk about being with Brad, made me just as uncomfortable as it made Dani.

Amy Noelle writes a sweet romantic story. Dani and Brad have an emotional connection and a passionate relationship. I cared about them and I wanted them to work out their differences so they could be together again. Even though Brad has had disappointments in his life, he's a nice guy and always wonderful to Dani. Brad stole my heart, he’s a tough alpha male but he’s also sweet, caring and loyal. This is a heartwarming story with a hot athlete and lots of baseball.

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 31 May, 2014: Reviewed