Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

4 of 5 stars


Addie has inherited a house from her aunt and moves from Louisiana to New York to take over the house and start a new life. Addie does not trust rich, sexy men but when she runs into Ryan while breaking into his house to get her dog, she is struck by his looks and cockiness. Ryan treats his women like he does his business, do not get attached, that is until he sees this beautiful woman breaking into his house. Ryan retrieves Barnable, Addie's dog, from his basement and allows them to go on their way. Barnable has his own plan to get Ryan and Addie together even though they are completely opposite.

Sexy Suit is an opposites-attract romance that is part of the Cocky Hero Book Club. Ryan and Addie start falling for each other before they even know what is happening and have some great sexual tension without all the drama. J. H. Croix did an amazing job with Barnable and making him a big part of the story. There was a little bit of repetitiveness but it was still enjoyable.

*ARC was generously provided in exchange for my honest review*



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  • 17 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 17 May, 2020: Reviewed