Exploding Turkeys and Spare Trousers by Ken Pasternak

Exploding Turkeys and Spare Trousers

by Ken Pasternak

Tales from the 'Indiana Jones of Cultural Adventures'...

From New York to Beijing, Paris to Juba, Moscow to Mexico City, Ken Pasternak's distinguished career as a banker, management consultant, executive educator, author and keynote speaker has provided a wealth of experience with people and organizations internationally. In this book he shares some of the most memorable stories from his wide-ranging travels and his many encounters with celebrities, and draws out truths that still apply today in both life and business.

From leadership to life skills, culture to kindness, these are stories that will make you laugh and make you think, and might just change your perspective on life.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Travels and Aphorisms. This is one of those quick, read any way you want type books that you can read straight through or you can read a short chapter in a few hurried minutes, in any order you want. Those familiar with Christian daily devotional books will recognize the overall format, though this is a purely secular book based on Pasternak's near 50 years of travelling all over the globe as a high level corporate businessman. Filled with short yet interesting stories, many of them apparently already shared on his LinkedIn page in nearly the same (200 ish word) length, this is a great book for someone looking for a light read or a businessman looking for a business-oriented read with some solid truths in that space. Very much recommended.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 June, 2021: Finished reading
  • 11 June, 2021: Reviewed