Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Deadly Kisses sure was something different! Male POV? Check. No insta-love? Check. No love triangle? Check. Dead president reapers? Check! The story follows Aiden, a relatively new Grim Reaper as he works on his most recent assignment. It’s his toughest reaping yet, since he happens to know the girl, Bee. Bee also happens to be able to see the Grim Reapers. Why? Aiden and his boss have no idea. Then the reaping goes all wrong, getting their souls entangled in each other’s bodies. Now Aiden and Bee must dive into her family history to figure out what went wrong and set it straight. And they only have a week to do it.

One thing that did bother me while reading Deadly Kisses was how long it took to know the relationship between Bee, Aiden, and Sabrina. Ad kept mentioning how Bee was the only girl he ever loved, but were they dating? Were they just friends? Had he been admiring her from afar? And how was Sabrina related to either of them? It all gets settled about a quarter in, but I was pretty confused early on.

The plot moves along at a nice pace. It’s not action packed, but there’s plenty of creepy elements tossed in. The reapers themselves and quite grotesque, which was an interesting change from the typical human-like reapers. I really loved learning about the reapers’ abilities and how their job works. It’s all laid out very clearly. Bee’s family curse was also an interesting twist. It doesn’t get resolved, so I’m assuming this is going to be a series.

In the end, I did enjoy Deadly Kisses. It was a bit on the mushy side with the romance. Bee and Aiden are sweet enough to give you a toothache! I do wish it had been a bit more tense and engaging, but I still liked it. The ending is very open, so I certainly hope that there’s a sequel!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 15 March, 2013: Reviewed