The King's Bastard by Rowena Cory Daniells

The King's Bastard (King Rolen's Kin, #1)

by Rowena Cory Daniells

Only seven minutes younger than Rolencia’s heir, Byren has never hungered for the throne. He laughs when a seer predicts that he will kill his twin. But the royal heir resents Byren’s growing popularity. Across the land the untamed magic of the gods wells up out of the earth’s heart. It sends exotic creatures to stalk the wintry nights and it twists men’s minds, granting them terrible visions. Those so touched are sent to the Abbey to control their gift, or die. At King Rolen’s court enemies plot to take his throne, even as secrets within his own household...Read more

Reviewed by charlton on

4 of 5 stars

This book turned out better than I first thought it would be.The author did a great job on world-building,and I really liked the characters.
In some cases didn't like.
The story is centered around one noble family,parents who were basically forced into marriage and their four children.Three boys and a
girl.One boy is supposed to take the throne,his twin a formidable fighter.The younger brother banished to a monastery because he has
affinity, which in this book is a type of magic.And the daughter who is kind of bull-headed when it comes to rules.And they want to marry
her off for the good of the kingdom.

Everything takes place in a unheard of land with unheard of beasts.It's always cold and they travel on frozen rivers.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2016: Reviewed