Web of Lies by Jennifer Estep

Web of Lies (Elemental Assassin, #2)

by Jennifer Estep

Following up the first book in her new "Elemental Assassin" series, Jennifer Estep's Web of Lies once again brings readers into sexy assassin Gin Blanco's world, which is populated with giants, goth dwarves, elementals, and some kick-butt BBQ.

Curiosity is definitely going to get me dead one of these days. Probably real soon.

I’m Gin Blanco. You might know me as the Spider, the most feared assassin in the South. I’m retired now, but trouble still has a way of finding me. Like the other day when two punks tried to rob my popular barbecue joint,...Read more

Reviewed by Amanda on

3 of 5 stars

Actual rating: 3.5

Original review: http://onabookbender.com/2011/12/09/review-web-of-lies-by-jennifer-estep/

Web of Lies picks up very soon after Spider’s Bite. Gin is retired from her assassin gig, but it’s more “retired” than retired. But, like the summary says, she is curious. So of course she sticks her noise into stuff that gets her into trouble. I would expect nothing less. Gin may be a cold and patient assassin, but in her own way she has heart. And her own morals.

The detective made a very big appearance in Web of Lies, but the complicated relationship between him and Gin only gets more complicated. We are also introduced to another possible love interest. Now, you know me and my intense dislike of love triangles. And I do dislike them. But I also appreciate having the story spun so that whatever happens feels appropriate and right. Despite Gin’s involvement with Donovan from the beginning of Spider’s Bite, I was never able to fully connect with him. He was successful at holding himself back, because in the end, a relationship between Gin and Donovan is rough and doomed. Thus, the introduction of someone new makes sense, especially given that he stands to give Gin what Donovan can’t. Rather than being annoyed by this, I am intrigued.

Web of Lies is also important in the series, as it slowly builds the Mab Monroe story line that will continue through the next few books. We don’t necessarily learn anything more about what happened to Gin’s family the night they died (though I want to), but we are introduced to Mab a little more, and are left wondering what the hell Mab knows and what she is up to. In that sense, the job that Gin takes in Web of Lies is not quite as important as the implications of the job as well as who it brings Gin in contact with. Web of Lies sets the stage for something more, and it is perhaps for that reason it didn’t quite dazzle me the way Spider’s Bite did. Or I was just in one of those moods.

Gin is one helluva character, and other than the continual references to eye color, the Elemental Assassin is shaping up to be one of my favorite series. I appreciate that Jennifer Estep’s writing forces me to set aside my own personal likes and dislikes (hello, slight love triangles) and simply experience the story for what it is. In other words, whatever happens makes sense and is logical for the story. When both my logic and emotions are engaged, that’s the sign of a successful series.

And before I forget: don’t read Web of Lies on an empty stomach. The descriptions of food that Gin makes (because hey, she cooks just as well as she kills) are slightly sinful.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 October, 2011: Finished reading
  • 8 October, 2011: Reviewed