Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Delirium (Delirium Trilogy, #1)

by Lauren Oliver

Lena looks forward to receiving the government-mandated cure that prevents the delirium of love and leads to a safe, predictable, and happy life, until ninety-five days before her eighteenth birthday and her treatment, when she falls in love.

Reviewed by Stephanie on

4 of 5 stars

Me and this book had some problems in the beginning. The only way I can describe my problem was that there was just too many words. There was so many descriptions about things I didn't really care about. This made me get annoyed with Lena at times, because after a while, I got really tired of reading about how ordinary she was. I get it, lets move on.

But I got over that as the action really started to pick up. I was really interested in the world that Lena lived in. This is truly a dystopian because I would definitely not want to live in this world with people who walked around with no emotions and electric fences that could fry a bird from 10 feet away.

Hana and Alex were my favorite, probably because they didn't buy into the whole delria thing. I wanted to slap some sense into Lena at times when she would talk about how the cure was going to solve all her problems.

The writing was very pretty, though what made the writing pretty was all descriptions of everything, which was what gave me some trouble, because that gets boring after a while. I feel like the book could have been much shorter, but besides that, I did really enjoy reading about the cure and the crazy, scary government.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 27 February, 2012: Reviewed