The Wicked Awakening of Anne Merchant by Joanna Wiebe

The Wicked Awakening of Anne Merchant (V Trilogy)

by Joanna Wiebe

Behind every secret lurks one much darker...

Thrust back into the cryptic world of Cania Christy, Anne Merchant finds herself tangled in a mystic plot she can't escape. Eerie visions haunt her. Whispers of her nefarious past vex her. But it's not until Ben Zin is forced to compete for the Big V—with a vengeful guardian to assure his failure—that she faces the reality of life in a world ruled by wickedness: she must embrace her inner demons to help those she loves. Hoping the ends will justify the means, Anne starts down a slippery slope that, if she lets temptation guide her, could lead her straight to the underworld.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 4 - 4.5

This book had more twists than Lombard Street! Every time we think Anne has it figured out and she is going to succeed, BOOM, plot twist. So, why did I like this?
1. Anne - she is just awesome. She had to make a lot of sacrifices in order to achieve what she thought was her desired end result. Some may call it masochistic, but there was a lot at stake.
2. Anne and Ben -- sigh-- I just really want things to work out for these two. Such a struggle!
"I'm a cheese muffin, aren't I""
"You're a romantic, Mr. Zin."
"Is that better or worse than a cheese muffin?"
"It's lower fat."
They are just so adorable. I am keeping my fingers crossed for them.
3. This book had me holding my breath at points. Like I said, many twists. I would think I knew what was going down, and then something else would happen. I love that.
4. We learn a lot more about Wormwood Island and it's inhabitants. We also learn a lot more about Anne and who she really is, and the battles she will have to face.

I read a review that described this book as a roller coaster. I would have to agree. My emotions were all over the place as the story unfolded and evolved. Can't wait to find out how this all ends.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 June, 2015: Reviewed