Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Insurgent (Divergent, #2)

by Veronica Roth

Fighting for survival in a shattered world... the truth is her only hope.

The thrillingly dark sequel to No. 1 New York Times bestseller, DIVERGENT.

I have done bad things. I can't take them back, and they are part of who I am.

Tris has survived a brutal attack on her former home and family. But she has paid a terrible price. Wracked by grief and guilt, she becomes ever more reckless as she struggles to accept her new future.

Yet if Tris wants to uncover the truth about her world, she must be stronger than ever... because more shocking choices and sacrifices lie ahead.

Reviewed by notajammiedodger on

5 of 5 stars

22 May 2012
This was just amazing! I literally just finished this, and I am like :O I am falling in love with Veronica Roth's work. I really hope the last book does not disappoint. I will try and write as much of a review as I can soon.

3 June 2012
I finally finished my review :D

First things first, if you have not read Divergent by Veronica Roth go and get yourself a copy right now! You will not regret it. This book was just absolutely amazing! Through the first part of the book I wasn't sure how I felt about it, I wasn't loving it as much as the first, not much as going on and I just wanted things to get exciting. But for me the ending of a book can really make it, and Insurgent most definitely lived up to be everything I wanted it to be.

Again this isn't going to be the greatest review, as I don't know what I can say to convince you of how amazing this book is, but I will try my hardest. Roth has just created a world and characters that I just absolutely love to read about. I feel the heart break that they feel, I feel betrayed when they are. Books with these kind of well written and developed characters are the kind that I love to read, probably the whole reason that I continue to read. To find that rare amazing gem like these.

Insurgent literally picks up where Divergent left off. If you have not read Divergent recently, or have a terrible memory like me, I would highly recommend reading it again before you read this one as it practically reads like one book. Or is you don't have time you can check out the recap post that Veronica Roth so kindly posted for us here. I quite enjoyed that this way in these books, it works really well for Tris's voice and flows nicely. That is another thing that I absolutely love. Tris's voice. I wouldn't really know how to explain why, I just love the way she speaks and thinks.

It was not as apparent in the first book, but I seriously love the questioning of humanity in this series. I love these kind of books that really make you question how society is and where we are going to end up, The Hunger Games was an amazing series for that. This was one of the many things that really made this book for me. Closer to the end of the book, I began to worry that it would become a series that would give you no answers until the very end, and that always bugs me. If you experience this as well, do not worry! You will get some answers, albeit these answers raise more questions, but I will still very satisfied that we did get some answers to the questions in this series.

The ending of this book was amazing, I am still mind blown, and confused, and excited all at the same time. I am very excited for the third and final book in this series. I am often disappointed with endings to series, I think I love just as many as I hate, I hate quite a few endings of series that I love. I am thoroughly convinced that Roth will give us an amazing ending, and I can't wait for it. I loved this book, so if are hesitant because you're unsure if you are going to like it or not, don't be! Go and get it now!

This review is also on my blog The Confessions of a Book Nerd :)

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 22 May, 2012: Reviewed