Simple Secrets by Nancy Mehl

Simple Secrets

by Nancy Mehl

Gracie Temple's uncle left her a house in a rural Mennonite community. Gracie soon learns he secluded himself for years to protect a secret about her own father. Now it's up to Gracie to decide if she'll keep the secret or if she can afford to expose it. Sam Goodrich loves his fruit farm in Harmony, Kansas. But when he meets city-girl Gracie, he begins to wonder if he could leave it behind for a woman who makes him feel things he's never felt before. When someone tries to keep Gracie from discovering the truth behind the secrets, both must decide what's important in life--before it's too late.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

The title of [b:Simple Secrets|7140406|Simple Secrets (The Harmony Series, #1)|Nancy Mehl||7404336] means so many different things in the complex threads of this novel. This is my first introduction to the writing of Nancy Mehl and it will not be my last. I thoroughly enjoyed her foray from mystery into romantic suspense. She knows her stuff. Each chapter and page was another hook that made me need five more minutes to find out what happens next all the way to the very end.

Love at first sight was palpable between Gracie and Sam and I look forward to seeing how their relationship evolves in the next book, [b:Simple Deceit: A Mennonite Community's Way of Life Is Threatened by Outsiders|8349344|Simple Deceit A Mennonite Community's Way of Life Is Threatened by Outsiders (The Harmony Series, Book 2)|Nancy Mehl||13202105]. Set in a mostly Mennonite Town of Harmony, Kansas readers are taken on an educational journey into the reals of Mennonite personalities versus assumed stereotypes. Every piece of the puzzle was enlightening and interesting.

Though the story revolves around something not so pleasant watching how evil can be used and turned for good in the end was enjoyable. Keeping the faith and listening for God's will to come through while attempting to find the secrets between the darker side of the town will keep readers entertained in full.

*Thanks to Barbour Books for providing a copy for review through the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance.*

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  • Started reading
  • 30 June, 2010: Finished reading
  • 30 June, 2010: Reviewed