Running Into Love by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Running Into Love (Fluke My Life, #1)

by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Fawn Reed has kissed one too many toads and has finally decided that Prince Charming doesn’t exist. After countless mishaps, mistakes, and unmitigated disasters on the dating scene, she’s decided to give up and move on with her life…solo.

Everything changes, however, after Fawn runs into Levi Fremont, a homicide detective new to New York City.

Dedication to the job has rendered Levi’s love life nonexistent—until he moves in next door to the free-spirited Fawn. After a series of comedic run-ins push them together, will they finally give in to the inevitable and realize—maybe—they are perfect for each other?

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

3 of 5 stars

I ran into a problem…or two.

I have written the beginning of this review 4 times. I can't get my thoughts down to explain the things I liked and the things I struggled with. It was a good book, just not good for me. I started Running into Love and within the first few pages, I was pulling squinty eyes that morphed into eye twitches.

The first sentence of the book introduces us to a woman running with her hands in the air and her eyes closed. My first thought was – Oooh, Is she in danger? Now, that would have been interesting and maybe even a good thing. You know, she’s running from danger and the big tough detective will save her? Well, I kept reading…waiting… waiting… waiting…

And…I’m still waiting. I have no bloody idea why the heroine was running with her eyes closed, waving her hands in the air. I started to over-think it...she's in New York, isn't that dangerous? Why are her hands in the air waving? Waving someone down? Trying to get someone's attention? Is she running from someone? I think it was because she was listening to music and maybe run/dancing??

She’s of course gorgeous, takes in rescue pups and a 5th grade teacher who loves kids. If that isn’t enough, she has two gorgeous sisters as well. Geez, it was like watching an episode of Friends…the re-run. I’ve seen it before, know what’s coming and while it’s mildly amusing, it doesn’t have the impact it should because…I’ve seen it coming. She’s a little kooky, he's sweet and tolerant, the additional characters walk in (enter stage left) at the wrong moments, and it’s a comedy of errors.

Now, all of the kooky happens in the first 40%. I thought about stopping a couple of times but I kept going because I couldn’t say it was bad. It was just a little annoying. After the 40% mark, I settled in. I liked the characters, started to feel their instant connection and believed they had potential.

The next part I’m going to put in spoilers because it’s my issue with their first sex scene. Ok, this guy is Alpha. I believe he’s Alpha. I like that he’s Alpha. So, I’m getting excited when the first sex scene is upon us and I’m rubbing my hands in glee picturing him getting all bossy. Well, Alpha Man exits stage right. He’s worried that he’s going to lose control. Then, makes her ride him so she can control the pace. What??? Why??? Are you kidding me??? I wanted him to lose control. I wanted him to show her how much he was into her. Alpha Men aren't supposed to hand over control...especially not in the first sexy scene. Bummer…

I can see you’re questioning why the heck I gave it 3 stars when it seems as if it’s all bad. Well, I couldn’t help but like it in the end. Sure, it was way, way, way insta-love and predictable, but, the second half of the book was actually pretty good. I even came home from work dying to see how it ended.

To each, his own and all that jazz, don't judge this book by my opinion alone. Take the time to read what other's say, and you may find Running into Love makes you laugh, make you sigh and works perfectly for you.

Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 7 September, 2017: Reviewed