Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

I LOVED this one, it was so sweet and such a great read that didn't have anything "bad" going for them.

This was such quite the refreshing and something I definitely needed to get my gears going for my books to read in the near future.

The sparks are just flying between Jason and Abbey and they become completely enamored with each other. Their relationship development went at such a smooth pace, that I deeply appreciated it. It didn't feel like it was awkwardly rushed like it is in most of our beloved romance novels.

Abbey, she's passionate and caring, especially when it comes to her neighbor, Pearl. She's a complete Gem that you'll learn to love as the story progresses.

Jason, TOTAL PACKAGE, someone that every girl dreams of! I just loved the way he treated Abbey and always surprising. Men should take a few tips from him!

Although this book was quite predictable, I enjoyed every bit of it! And I am so so so happy with the way that everything went in this book, especially when it came to little, sweet Pearl. I was getting nervous about her Aunt being a total B, but I was quite surprised. Gosh, this book just made me smile and very happy, just the perfect amount of everything! This book is part of a series, but in my opinion, it can be read as a stand alone. BUT trust me, read the series, you just might love it :)

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  • Started reading
  • 12 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 12 April, 2014: Reviewed