Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

Yep, it was just the first one in this series that didn't do it for me. Loved Anarchy Chained. And it had some weird shit still, so there goes my theory. Lots of mind-sharing, multiple personality type stuff. But it was done in a really unique way and I really enjoyed it. It probably helps that I've been most intrigued by Thomas since the start, so having a book devoted to him was pretty great. And I was right to be most intrigued by him, he's the most interesting for sure!

Sade is equally cool and fascinating. I love her power! How freakin' cool - she's an illusionist, which means she can trick people into thinking they're seeing someone entirely different.

As with all of Julie's books, there's the steamy stuff that you can count on. There's one point where it kind of crossed a line that I'm not sure I was comfortable with. Sade ended up liking it, so I'm more okay, but at the time it really bugged me. Made me start to question how I felt about Thomas.

The twists in the plot were really great and I love where she took the story. The ending is definitely not you're happily ever after -- I mean, in terms of romance it is. But in terms of the city in general, eh. Not sure the Alpha's "solution" is really going to be one. But it has potential. It's interesting, I'll give Julie that :)

Overall, I really enjoyed the series. I do think I still prefer her straight romances, but in comparison to Junco, I do prefer this foray into Sci-Fi. Oh and the narration was great from beginning to end.

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  • 22 April, 2018: Finished reading
  • 22 April, 2018: Reviewed