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5 of 5 stars

4.5 Cocktails

Brad Morrison is a submissive and he is making changes to his life. He divorced his wife so he could finally acknowledge that he is gay. Brad seems to work very hard to make changes to his life. Brad has never had a relationship with a man much less a submissive relationship.

Jett Silver is a Dom and he has been waiting for Brad to come out for over a year. Jett seems to be in love with Brad for a while. He is also quick to take control and answer all Brad questions. I would have like to get a better feel for Jett than we see in this book.

The connection between Jett and Brad is intense. I liked that Jett and Brad had a friendship established before going any further. This gives Jett a better understanding of what Brad is going through as well as the reverse. Jett and Brad make a great pair in and out of the bedroom. The sex scenes were scorching.

My Lover, My Dom is the first book in Club Whips series by H. C. Brown. I found this book very well written with an interesting plot. The main characters and secondary characters are fascinating. The ending of the book was a bit predictable but this book was more about seeing Brad and Jett come together. The only thing that bugged me about this book was that it could have been much longer than it was. This book seemed rushed in some places. Overall, this was a wonderful book and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

Reviewed by Victoria for Cocktails and Books

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  • 29 October, 2014: Reviewed