Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

Gah, I can't believe how long it took me to read this book, especially considering how good it was! I think my life just isn't really supporting reading that much these days between work and recovery from surgery. I feel bad that it took so long, but now that I've finished it, let me gush.

First of all, the world is quite fascinating. It's not jarring, you could easily see this world existing within our own. I would like to see more of the world, and I do think that's coming as the characters grow up (which I imagine is coming in 1 to 2 books....) and leave school to do the work their training for. The idea that they are children of these forgotten gods is a concept that I would like to see play a bigger role in future books. They have exceptional abilities, depending on whether they are a defender or a mage, but I feel like we got only a glimpse of that so far. So I want more.

I think there wasn't as much of that as I would ultimately like because that's not what this book was about. That's more the backdrop to the bigger mystery of what is going on at the school and with this new student, Damien. I don't want to give anything away, so I'll simply say Daly didn't pull punches! She is one of those authors that will torture her characters a bit and I always love that. It keeps you on your toes. On one hand, I was pretty confident about a couple characters, but every now and again she'd make me doubt myself. Whether I turned out to be right is for me to know... because that might spoil things for you.

The ending was both good and frustrating. Things have wrapped up enough that it's not a cliff hanger at all. However, if there were a book 2 out I'd already be reading it, because I seriously want...NEED more.

Definitely recommend this book and hope to see a publish date for book 2 very soon!

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  • Started reading
  • 22 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 22 September, 2018: Reviewed