Cats in Paris by Won-Sun Jang

Cats in Paris

by Won-Sun Jang

This gorgeously illustrated adult coloring book draws readers into the secret world of cats in Paris as they explore the city's most famous (and feline-friendly) spots.

Say bonjour to the cats of Paris as they slink through its fabled streets and alleyways, from Montmartre to the Shakespeare and Company bookshop and into a feline-filled land of playful imagination. Featuring intricate pen-and-ink drawings of tabbies, Persians, Siamese, and more, this evocative coloring book’s frisky kitties lie in wait for your colorful stylings.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

Cats in Paris is a really cute and unique coloring book with a fairly large variety of art styles to pick from. Plus…it has cats, so that’s an automatic point.

I’m sort of known for starting a ton of pages and then never getting around to finishing them before moving on to the next one. I do finish them eventually, but I like the variety and patience that moving to a new page creates. There are so many pages in this one that demand immediate attention and I’m loathe to deny them them the chance. Though I haven’t touched two of my favorite images yet, which are posted below. One has a cat with glasses and a bow, and the other is a super simple line drawing of different cat breeds.

It does make it seem like it’s going to be a book focused on cats around Paris, but for the most part the images are pretty universal like the ones pictured below. There are probably around 4 or 5 that feature Paris in some respect, but it does have a very artsy feel to it. The paper is nice and thick, but since I use colored pencils as my poison of choice I’m not really sure if it’s thick enough to hold up under marker.

There are only a few pages in this that I have no interest in or any idea how to tackle them, and they are mostly towards the front. They have a style that has a lot of printed shading and smears, but no true definitive lines in which to color the page. They look cool, but are essentially useless to me.

I’m really pleased with this one! It’s definitely a bit different from my others (Enchanted Forest, and Time Garden) and it’s super cute. It’s definitely one to check out for all the cat lovers out there who need to unwind a bit.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 5 February, 2016: Reviewed