The Sniper Mind by David Amerland

The Sniper Mind

by David Amerland

Snipers are exceptional. The trained sniper is a complex fusion of hard skills such as weapons knowledge, situational awareness, knowledge of ballistics and physics, and soft skills such as emotional stability, empathy, and a stoic acceptance of the hardships associated with a particular set of circumstances. There are countless instances where a single sniper, embarking on a secret mission, would have to improvise, operate beyond any hope of support, and yet still manage to carry out the mission and get back home unharmed even though the enemy was actively hunting him. For the first time ever, The Sniper Mind...Read more

Reviewed by Alex Bloodfire on

5 of 5 stars

Absolutely an amazing and informative book!

Reading this has certainly changed my perceptions of my own mindset for the extreme better!

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  • Started reading
  • 30 April, 2021: Finished reading
  • 30 April, 2021: Reviewed