The Victoria in My Head by Janelle Milanes

The Victoria in My Head

by Janelle Milanes

A shy, rule-following teen joins a local rock band and finds herself caught between staying on the path she's always known and straying off-course to find love, adventure, and danger in this novel that's perfect for fans of Rainbow Rowell.

Victoria Cruz inhabits two worlds: In one, she is a rock star, thrashing the stage with her husky voice and purple-streaked hair. In the other, currently serving as her reality, Victoria is a shy teenager with overprotective Cuban parents, who sleepwalks through her life at the prestigious Evanston Academy. Unable to overcome the whole paralyzing-stage-fright thing, Victoria settles for living inside her fantasies, where nothing can go wrong and everything is set to her expertly crafted music playlists.

But after a chance encounter with an unattainably gorgeous boy named Strand, whose band seeks a lead singer, Victoria is tempted to turn her fevered daydreams into reality. To do that, she must confront her insecurities and break away from the treadmill that is her life. Suddenly, Victoria is faced with the choice of staying on the path she's always known and straying off-course to find love, adventure, and danger.

From debut author Janelle Milanes comes a hilarious and heartfelt tale of the spectacular things that can happen when you go after what you really want.

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

5 of 5 stars


Reasons To Read The Victoria In My Head:

  • Victoria is relatable, studious, rocker trapped behind anxiety and familial pressure. She's on track for Harvard. Has playlists for every event, occasion, and fantasy.

  • Her BFF Annie is much the same, wants a change from the same old routine but has to push Victoria to do it for herself and progresses on her own path.

  • You know how in Disney, there's always a shot of the guy falling for the girl? Well, here we get it from the Victoria's perspective. But she doesn't let looks overrule her common sense. I was so proud of her!!

  • Victoria doesn't like Strand the playboy or let him slide and calls him out on his BS. That's my girl!

  • Love how the romance plays out and ends in unexpected ways. Very understandable, confused with growing pains, but wonderful maturity and resolution. Perfect way to go out.

  • Great honest worries and concerns about body image, dating, hooking up, and keeping up with your peers. Rumors and assumptions play a big role with a side plot with another bandmate and I love how it's all dealt with.

  • Underage drinking and sneaking out. Okay, that sounds bad, but it happens. They do things responsibly. It's not the end of the world.  And it's not preachy after school special either. Such a turnoff for kids.

  • FUNNY! Oh my lord. I'm the type that has to look away/turn away from second hand embarrassment, but this book just made me laugh and didn't turn my stomach with their antics. Cutlet.

  • Rep included: Anxiety (Victoria), Daughter of Cuban Immigrants (Victoria), Eclectic Cast: Indian, Biracial, Asian, and only 1 white dude while the rest of the white people are in the background, Lesbian Couple.

  • It's Latinx Heritage Month! Victoria has to be apart of her cousins Quince and gets closer with her male dance partner and they discuss the tradition. Find out more by reading it now!

The Victoria In My Head is perfect for YA contemp fans looking for an adorbs romantic-comedy especially if you'd like a coming of age story with intelligent prep school kids soon to be rocker stars.This review was originally posted on The Layaway Dragon

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  • 20 May, 2017: Reviewed