#Bae by Cambria Hebert

#Bae (Hashtag, #7)

by Cambria Hebert

That’s what happens when you get married.
Turns out sparkly rings, cake and a fantastic wedding do not automatically grant you that, not even when it’s all you truly want.
I’m even starting to doubt the bottomless, unconditional love I share with the man I married will be enough.
I can’t have happily ever after, know why?
Because I can’t give Romeo what he truly wants. I’ve tried. So hard. I won’t be happy unless he is and something is missing. Someone.
Paparazzi are in my face. The flashing cameras and prying eyes are everywhere. My secret is getting harder to hide, and I know the second the scoop is dished the grip I have on the fraying rope of that happily ever after will snap right in my face.
In our face.
I can’t let that happen. No matter what.
Because with or without a happy ending, Romeo comes Before Anyone Else.

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

5 of 5 stars

A perfect end. The drama, the sorrow, the love. Its all there and its beautiful. And sad. There were tears. Full review to come

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 17 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 September, 2016: Reviewed