The Dark Talent by Brandon Sanderson

The Dark Talent (Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians, #5)

by Brandon Sanderson

The Dark Talent is the fifth action-packed fantasy adventure in the Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians series for young readers by the #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson. This never-before-published, fast-paced, and funny novel is now available in a deluxe hardcover edition, illustrated by Hayley Lazo.

Alcatraz Smedry has successfully defeated the army of Evil Librarians and saved the kingdom of Mokia. Too bad he managed to break the Smedry Talents in the process. Even worse, his father is trying to enact a scheme that could ruin the world, and his friend, Bastille, is in a coma....

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Reviewed by adamfortuna on

3 of 5 stars

The long awaited end of the Alcatraz series! After reading The Road, settling in for a children's book was the goal - but this one ended up being much more dark than I'd expected. Maybe dark is the wrong work -- but certainly a downer.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 9 September, 2016: Reviewed