Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

When Liam Anderson bought a gold claim in Deadwood, he had no idea what was in store for him. His younger brothers, Zach and Jake, were running from the law after Jake's fiancee was murdered and Jake was blamed. Now, the Anderson's have settled in Deadwood and Jake has married spitfire Becky with a baby on the way. Liam takes advantage of a brief period of contentment to call in some favors and get both his brothers cleared. After all but one end is tied up, Liam returns to Deadwood and literally runs into Eleanor "Ellie" Smith, the Preacher's spinster daughter. Even with his tumultuous relationship with God, Liam sets out to court Ellie with the intent of marriage within months. He wants a mother for his children and a companion in his bed, but holds the firm belief he will never love again.

This is the fourth novel I've read by Cynthia Woolf and the action packed romance just keeps getting better! In this second installment of the Destiny in Deadwood series, I got to see a side of Liam that was hidden in the first book. From my impression of him in "Redeemed by a Rebel", I thought he would be devoted to his family and his claim, no room for love in his life. I was elated to read that Liam was developing genuine feeling for Ellie despite the loss of his wife, Mary.

My heart broke for Ellie while reading about how she saw herself as plain and unattractive. Even Liam's brother, Zach, comments on Ellie's appearance and can't imagine what Liam would see in her. Ellie was a woman of thirty-two who had never known or expected to know romantic love. Her reactions to Liam's advances were so honest and pure, I felt like I was experiencing them with her.

The way Woolf weaves the story of the budding relationship had me reading the entire book in less than a day. With a pinch of danger, a dash of lust, and a dollop of romance, "Healed by a Heart" creates the perfect recipe for a best selling romance!

Thanks so much to Cynthia Woolf and Black Lion Tours for gifting me with a copy of Healed by a Heart in exchange for an honest review. I hope all the hinting Woolf did in this installment means Zach's story is up next. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 25 June, 2014: Reviewed