Seduce by Felicity Heaton

Seduce (London Vampires Romance, #3)

by Felicity Heaton

Bloodlust runs in his veins, a dark master waiting for the day it will reign over him. Now a woman with a pure soul and wicked intentions has him in her sights and is determined to crack the ice around his heart, and she might save or damn him.

Antoine stands apart from the world around him, a dangerous and broken soul who must maintain rigid control at all times or risk his dark addiction finally seizing hold of him. The shadows of his past haunt him and he sees his bleak future each night when his brother wakes screaming, his blood addiction turning him savage. He cannot allow himself to feel, but when Sera walks into Vampirerotique, the theatre he runs with three other vampires, to audition, she awakens dangerous desires in him—hungers that could spell the end of both of them.

Sera has wanted Antoine since the night she first saw the gorgeous aristocrat vampire. She can’t ignore the deep carnal hunger he stirs in her or the ache to know the heat of his touch. With the help of her sire, an ex-performer at Vampirerotique, she sets in motion a game of seduction, one designed to thaw the ice in Antoine’s veins and make him burn for her.

When Sera discovers the shocking truth about his past and the darkness that lurks within him, will she be strong enough to seize his heart with both hands and win him forever or will she lose him to the ghosts that still haunt him?

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I actually gave this 4.5 stars.

This is the third book in the Vampirerotique series and just like the other two books Seduce can be read as a stand-alone.
Seduce is about Antoine an aristocratic vampire (pure blood) and Sera a fairly young elite vampire. Antoine is one of the owners of Vampireotique who has shut down his emotions and refused to develop any form of relationship because he feared that the bloodlust that ran through his veins would one day take control of him. He has deep dark secrets that constantly haunt him and the only person that he holds dear to his heart is his brother Snow, and he intends for it to remain so. This, however was about to change when he met Sera.
From the moment Sera laid eyes on Antoine she knew she wanted him and she is willing to pull out all the stops to achieve her goal. Despite the warnings she received from her sire that Antoine is someone to avoid she did not intend to give up on her goal. To this end she came up with the idea to audition for the theatre, even though this was not her type of thing. However, things did not go quite as planned. Antoine tried to fight what he was feeling for Sera but she was not about to let him get off so easily. He couldn’t fathom why he felt this way seeing that Sera is an elite and he was brought up to believe that elites were below him.
Antoine’s love for his brother, Snow was unconditional. Their bond was so strong that they always seem to know when one is in need of the other. Antoine was not about to let anyone come between them. Sera is very caring and compassionate which made it easy for Antoine to open up to her and bare his soul to her. I liked how she was very accepting of Antoine’s love for his brother. The connection between these two was strong and I so enjoyed the interaction between them. It was so hot and passionate.
I really enjoyed this installment in the series and so far it’s my favourite. This is a story of love, forgiveness and healing. It depicts how letting go of the pain of the past will allow one to move and be able to live life to the fullest.
If you are looking for a hot paranormal story with heart then I highly recommend this title.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 February, 2014: Reviewed