Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)

by Becca Fitzpatrick

A sacred oath, a fallen angel, a forbidden love...This darkly romantic story features our heroine, Nora Grey, a seemingly normal teenage girl with her own shadowy connection to the Nephilim, and super-alluring bad boy, Patch, now her deskmate in biology class. Together they find themselves at the centre of a centuries-old feud between a fallen angel and a Nephilim...Forced to sit next to Patch in science class, Nora attempts to resist his flirting, though gradually falls for him against her better judgment. Meanwhile creepy things are going on with a mysterious stalker following her car, breaking into her house and attacking her best friend, Vi. Nora suspects Patch, but there are other suspects too - not least a new boy who has transferred from a different college after being wrongly accused of murdering his girlfriend. And he seems to have taken a shine to Nora...Love certainly is dangerous...and someone is going to have to make the ultimate sacrifice for it.

Reviewed by dokie80 on

3 of 5 stars

nih buku di baca kilat. sehari aja kelar bacanya, bukan karena ceritanya yang menarik, tapi lebih karena penasaran. sampe setengah buku dibaca, masih ga jelas tentang apa ceritanya. jalan ceritanya lambat tapi banyak cerita yang menarik dan menghibur, terutama karena si Vee yang bandel dan demen ngomporin.

pas baca nih buku rasanya mirip banget sama twillight, bukannya nyamain vampir sama malaikat. tapi karena Nora mirip si Bella, yang jatuh cinta sama seseorang yang bukan manusia, dan karena itu jadi selalu dekat dengan bahaya. tapi ga kayak twillight, di Hush Hush, ga banyak action, ga banyak kekuatan supernatural, lebih banyak romance.

jujur aja, beli nih buku lebih karena covernya (keren bangettt), ga baca sinopsis nya. jadi sedikit kecewa karena ternyata ceritanya lebih tentang cinta (kirain tentang malaikat yang terluka, terus hidup bersama manusia, dst dst..:D). tapi bukan berarti bener2 ga suka nih buku :)

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 29 January, 2010: Finished reading
  • 29 January, 2010: Reviewed