Need You Now by Lisa Renee Jones

Need You Now (1001 Dark Nights)

by Lisa Renee Jones

Life is hard. Life leaves you beaten, broken...alone. Then one day, a stranger touches your hand and you feel something intense, unforgettable, but yet, you want to forget. You need to forget. It's safer than believing in things you've decided don't exist. You know all about shattered promises and lost hope. You know them so much better than you know this excited, warm, wonderful feeling, and it scares you. He scares you, but he also makes you feel alive again. He makes you realize you haven't really been living. You're surviving and you fear he's the one who'll make you forget how to keep doing it. But what if he's the one who changes everything?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This is a short read, but for a novella it was really well written in true Lisa Renee Jones style and I wasn’t disappointed when I finished it. This book gives you a taste her new series Shattered Promises. It was written in great detail and the character development was fantastic.

Jensen and Danny make an unusual pair but there is no denying the chemistry between the two characters. There are times when I find Jensen’s character hard to deal with, he can be a real jerk at times, and I am not sure why Danny puts up with his crap but with a strong attraction like the two of them have it is inevitable. Jensen, whether he realizes it or not uses her insecurities against her to get what he wants even though it may hurt her in the end. Danny is a great gal who is only trying to please everyone, she is loyal and very likeable, smart and sweet. Jensen makes some big mistakes where Danny is concerned and has his work cut out for him in the next book. At the end of the book though I am in their corner rooting for them to make it work.

I am looking forward to reading more about this couple and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. This was only a glimpse and even though it had a HEA at this point there is no telling what obstacles will be thrown in their path to happiness and success. I would recommend this book and Ms Jones did not disappoint, I love her writing style and her books and this one was no different.

Reviewed by Kim for Cocktails and Books

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  • 18 October, 2014: Reviewed